IT Consulting Provider

ThingsAt is a well-respected and experienced professional IT consulting provider. We are recognised for our ability to deliver a wide range of IT products and services bespoke to customer needs. Our team helps customers transition to device as a service faster, providing the expert capability and knowledge to implement your solution seamlessly.

Device audit and refresh is our bread and butter, it’s what we do every day. That means we really understand how it all works, and can make sure everything goes smoothly and is aligned with best practices.

With over 20,000 professional service hours delivered annually for end-user computing projects, our team members are the specialists.

We are the specialists in end user computing. When you work with us, it will be done right the first time. With the specific skills, systems and processes we understand how all the pieces of the jigsaw fit together, and are used to working with complex IT environments. We understand the risks and will get a better outcome faster than you will from your own internal team, and for a fixed price on end user computing.

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IT Consulting Service
Our industry-leading IT consulting service experience allows ThingsAt to achieve better outcomes faster and at a lower cost. This experience also means we help customers get the right IT strategy for their business.

We have a highly trained project management team and can provide bespoke project management. We also offer Project Management Office capability as a service and can modify this to meet the needs of your organisation.

We work with clients to ensure the project identification process is thorough and aligns with your strategic business goals.Our highly experienced project managers critically assess every situation to ensure all benefits are realised. 

We understand the importance of detailed planning to make sure there are no hidden costs associated with changes in the execution phase. In particular we emphasise the importance of identifying the scope at the start of each project to make sure we manage potential scope creep. We have a track record of delivering what we say we will.

We are experts at managing teams and processes and using our methodology to keep the project on track. We also do a thorough implementation review before handing the successfully completed project back to your business.

IT Consulting Solution
Our IT consulting solution can help you implement small or large scale projects with ease, including:

  • Reviewing work from home strategies
  • Implementing a SOE upgrade
  • Upgrading to Windows 11
  • Undertaking a device refresh
  • Reviewing meeting room requirements due to impacts of hybrid work.

Building a Device as a Service solution requires a unique mix of consulting, professional services and managed services expertise. This is needed to build a plan that will create value for your business. As with all new services, the bulk of the work takes place at the start of the contract as we transform and transition services into a manageable state. 

Highly skilled in end user computing strategy, our IT consulting solution will identify the real issues faster and present workable solutions including commercial and pricing options.

At a high level, this is the process we follow:

  1. Identify issues – Review what’s in place today, reporting on all devices, boundary and penetration testing and what remediation is needed.
  2. Research- Research best practice across relevant and similar size companies to ensure you are receiving best value for money.
  3. Evaluate options- Recommend end user computing strategy, and provide business roadmaps including vendor and supplier management. 

We don’t have a one size fits all model. Speak to our specialists for a solution that is tailor made to fit your company.

Speak to our professional services team now
The impact of COVID on video conferencing, Microsoft Teams and workplace planning

SOE Refresh

Issue: To find all the company’s applications and owners to ensure the software asset register was up to date.

Result: 100% completed. Business testing only needed to be done once for both SOE refresh and SAP GUI 7.6 upgrade.

DaaS Insights

Issue: Challenge getting insightful, easy to read device performance reporting.

Result: New reporting provided in an easy to digest format, reduced workload for reporting staff, and access to a number of new reports not previously available.

SOE Management Under Pressure

Laptop Refresh

Issues: Covid, supply chain delays, flood, fire, ever changing government regulations, extraordinarily high demand for courier services.

Result: Multiple delivery/swap options with inbuilt pivot between approaches as necessary

Managed Meeting Room

Issue: Need to understand staff numbers in the office and forecast for the future to support coverage.

Result: Improved FTE management and forecasting helps to inform real estate decisions for room size and utilisation.

Vendor Management


Issue: Changing regulatory environment and industry reforms

Result: Improved operator effectiveness, control and compliance, enhance customer engagement and reduced regulatory risk.


Intelligent Platform for Automation (IPA)

Issue: Long turnaround time for assurance investigations, and a number of manual repetitive tasks.

Result: Improved quality, profitability and investigation turnaround time achieved through intelligent automation.

Get your DaaS strategy right the first time

Industry-leading depth of professional services experience in end user computing transformation allows ThingsAt to achieve outcomes faster at a lower cost. This experience also means we help customers get the right strategy the first time.

We have domain specialisation and specific skills in this area. With a track record of operational success and reducing costs, our professional services team will take you through the purchase and transition phase of your move to DaaS.


After consulting with you and undertaking thorough business and financial analysis we assist with:

  • Portfolio management
  • Procurement management and support
  • Tender submissions and RFPs

SOE Management Under Pressure


Our technical leads and subject matter experts provide program and delivery services including:

  • Transition capability health checks
  • Service delivery management
  • Quality validation and testing